“If you want to do a few small things right, do them yourself. If you want to do great things and make a big impact, learn to delegate.” ~ John C. Maxwell, American author

Delegation means asking others to help you with tasks. It can be a challenge to ask for help, even managers find it hard.

In a 2020 survey, only 37 out of 100 managers felt good about giving tasks to others. Also, only 44 out of 100 employees thought their managers were good at delegation. (Source: Harvard Business Review)

In a study in 2007, about half of the companies were concerned about their employees’ ability to delegate tasks. At the same time, only 28% of those companies offered any training on the topic. Delegation skills have likely been a challenge for leaders, and there is a need for more support in this area.

Delegation Can Help Your Business Grow

You can create a culture of growth, innovation, and accountability with effective delegation. Knowing the benefits of sharing responsibilities can help keep us focused, so let’s review some of them.

1. Delegation encourages skill development and maximizes potential.

Delegating responsibility provides employees with the chance to learn not only new skills but also to hone existing ones. Employees face different challenges, which helps them learn new skills and discover their own abilities. This, in turn, fosters a workforce that is adaptable and equipped to handle a spectrum of responsibilities. Additionally, the autonomy granted through effective delegation empowers individuals to explore their potential fully, contributing to a culture of continuous learning and growth.

2. Delegation creates space for new ideas and innovation.

Beyond simply freeing up managerial time, delegation serves as a catalyst for innovation within the organization. When managers stop worrying about daily tasks, they can think more about strategic plans and innovative ideas. Simultaneously, empowered employees, entrusted with delegated responsibilities, bring fresh perspectives and creative solutions to the forefront. Sharing ideas drives innovation and creates a feeling of shared responsibility for the organization’s achievements.

3. Delegation improves job satisfaction and employee engagement.

The positive impact of delegation on job satisfaction extends beyond the immediate completion of tasks. By entrusting employees with meaningful responsibilities, organizations demonstrate a genuine belief in their team members’ abilities.

This vote boosts confidence, leading to more job satisfaction and engagement by creating a sense of purpose and accomplishment. When employees are dedicated to their jobs, they become committed to the organization’s goals. This commitment leads to a cycle of support and success.

4. Delegation creates structure and accountability within the organization.

Delegating tasks not only distributes workload but also establishes a clear organizational structure. Defined lines of responsibility and accountability emerge, reducing ambiguity and enhancing overall efficiency. With a well-defined hierarchy, employees know where to turn for guidance and feedback, facilitating smoother communication and collaboration. This structural clarity not only streamlines processes but also contributes to a workplace culture that values transparency, responsibility, and mutual support.

5. Delegation promotes growth and expansion.

Beyond its immediate impact on task distribution, delegation lays the foundation for organizational growth. By systematically entrusting responsibilities to capable individuals, new departments and divisions can emerge, creating a framework for vertical and horizontal expansion. Delegating tasks strategically expands the organization’s reach and creates new chances in different markets. In essence, delegation becomes a key driver for the dynamic evolution and sustained growth of the organization.

6. Delegation enhances employee empowerment through skill development.

Discuss how delegation is not just about task distribution but also about empowering employees. Explore how giving employees a sense of ownership over their responsibilities can boost their confidence and motivation. Share anecdotes or case studies that illustrate instances where employees flourished because of delegated tasks.

7. Delegation plays a crucial role in effective communication.

Highlight the importance of clear and concise communication in successful delegation. Explore how effective communication helps in setting expectations, clarifying goals, and ensuring that everyone is on the same page. Give advice to managers on how to communicate expectations, give feedback, and have open conversations with their team.

8. Delegation involves overcoming challenges in the process.

Acknowledge that delegation isn’t always smooth sailing and discuss common challenges that managers may face. Address concerns such as trust issues, fear of losing control, or resistance from team members. Give advice on overcoming challenges and share examples of organizations that successfully dealt with delegation obstacles.

9. Delegation measures its impact on organizational success.

Explore the metrics and indicators that organizations can use to measure the success of delegation. Discuss how improved employee performance, increased innovation, and enhanced job satisfaction can be tangible outcomes. Present statistics or studies that demonstrate the positive correlation between effective delegation and overall organizational success.

10. Delegation incorporates technology as essential tools for efficient task management.

Explore how technology can play a crucial role in facilitating delegation and task management. Discuss project management tools, communication platforms, or other technological solutions that can streamline the delegation process. Provide recommendations and insights into how organizations can leverage technology to enhance their delegation strategies.

11. Delegation in times of crisis or change.

Address the relevance of delegation during times of crisis or organizational change. Discuss how effective delegation can contribute to organizational resilience and adaptation. Share examples of companies that successfully navigated through challenging times by delegating responsibilities strategically.

How to Create a Culture of Delegation Within Your Organization

Delegation advantages extend to managers, employees, and organizations, but it’s still one of the least exploited and developed management capabilities. So, how can you start fostering a delegation-oriented culture in your organization? Here are some essential details to consider.

  • Make delegation a priority within your organization. To create a culture of delegation, include it in your meeting and employee development plans. Regularly discuss with employees the projects and tasks that will help them acquire the necessary skills. These discussions can take place during performance reviews or meetings.
  • Create accountability and establish responsibility. If you’re not good at delegation, give your direct reports permission to call you out when you haven’t delegated something you should. Managers should tell employees they are in charge of their own growth and should actively seek new responsibilities.
  • Familiarize and understand your team. Prior to assigning responsibilities, it’s crucial to thoroughly comprehend your staff. Do you understand their strengths and where they face challenges? Allocating a task to an unsuitable individual will only reinforce your adverse view of delegation.

Our team at LBMC Employment Partners can help you improve how you give out work in your company. Our human resources specialists can help you create a plan to benefit from delegation. They can provide tips or help you establish a formal organizational structure for your team.

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