When the topic of Cybersecurity comes up, oftentimes one thinks about the “bigger picture” of what needs to be done to protect your digital assets and those of your clients. When one is working to secure a home, adding in a security camera and an alarm system seem to be some the obvious go-tos. But most often, the security measures that really matter are the ones that we don’t think about on a daily basis, like our smoke detectors and deadbolt locks. When it comes to cybersecurity, just like when thinking about home security measures, looking at the granular level is just as important as the big picture items.

Especially in a post-pandemic world, the approach to cybersecurity is rapidly evolving, with new needs and recommendations popping up all the time. Even the federal government is working to implement cybersecurity regulations into the business world to best equip not only government agencies but America’s businesses with better, more reliable security.

Cyberattack tactics have changed – hackers are casting a really broad net to see what they can catch. And even though you may think that you are not the whales they are aiming for, these wide nets are catching fish of all sizes up into their schemes. No matter how big or small, every business is at risk.

So what do you do when you are caught in that net? By employing cybersecurity measures before something like this happens, you are ensuring that your business and your clients remain safe and secure.

Security isn’t just putting in a firewall and an antivirus. True cybersecurity is so much more. Layered cybersecurity protection is the best defense against this trend in attacks. By doing this, you are then empowered to discover the ultimate security balance for your business needs.

By ensuring the small things are in place, like multi-factor authentication, data backups, routine digital maintenance, End-User Training and more, you are taking the necessary steps to help protect your business from those big-scale attacks. And so if those attacks do darken your doorstep, their level of success will be drastically reduced or eliminated. All because you took the extra step to craft a clear cybersecurity strategy for your business.

So, need to know if your business’ cybersecurity is up to snuff? Take this quick and comprehensive cybersecurity assessment to evaluate your business’ security strengths and weaknesses. Get started here.